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JOY...Inspired by Nature: Summer Activities

Joyful crafts and activities inspired by our summer exhibition.

Drop In | From FREE

Hosted by our JOY exhibition artists, we will be exploring nature through crafts and activites including embroidery, sound and paper cutting.


Vibrant and fun paper cut masks ( JOYful Paper Masks )

Saturday 20 July 2024 | 10:30am – 3pm | FREE | For All Ages

Simple paper cutting techniques are used to imagine their own unique flora and fauna creating a vibrant and playful mask, taking home something that can bring them joy in many different ways!

Scissors and glue sticks with paper, Participants folding and cutting different shapes and then layering on to a precut mask using glue stick to stick the different parts down. Can be imagery flowers and plants to animals and mystical creatures. Scales and petals, wings and leaves whatever brings them Joy. Ribbon attached so the masks can be tied and secured in place.

Hosted by Clare Pentlow



Saturday 27 July 2024 | 10.30am - 12.30pm & 1.30pm - 3.30pm | FREE | For Ages 5+

Participants will be invited to use microscopes and kaleidoscopes to delve into different perspectives and discover play in everyday objects and materials.

Create artwork using a variety of materials inspired by observations.

This workshop aims to spark newfound curiosities about the hidden quantum behaviours at play in everyday objects and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of the world around and within us.

Hosted by Jemima Graham (MIM)

Natural Voices

Saturday 27 & Sunday 28 2024 | Times TBC | FREE | For Ages 16+

Sound making workshop exploring JOYful sounds and natural vocalisations.

Hosted by Amy Kakoura


Embroidered JOY

Thursday 1 August 2024 | 11am - 2pm | FREE | For Ages 12+ (Under 16s Must Be Accompanied By An Adult)

Participants will be invited to learn basic embroidery skills to create a small hand crafted keep sake.

Hosted by Abeda Begum


Seascape Collages

Saturday 10 August 2024 | 10am - 12pm & 1pm - 3pm | FREE | For Ages 8-16

Use the sea to inspire natural and JOYful collage of a seascape.

Develop a small collage seascape from recycled printed materials - discovering the joy in creating something from things often discarded.

Hosted by Barbara Jones


Pop- up Sea Environment

Sunday 11 August 2024 | 10am - 12pm & 1pm - 3pm | FREE | For Early Years

Visitors can explore our popup sea environment, creating mini seascapes from environmentally sourced found materials.