Home Collections Visual-Arts Watercolours Watercolours The Herbert has a fine collection of watercolour paintings, including many topographical views of Coventry and Warwickshire. They range in date from the 1700s to the 1990s and include works by some of the leading names in the medium, such as Paul Sandby, Thomas Girtin and David Cox, and by talented local artists like the Reverend William Bree, Herbert Cox and Sydney Bunney. One of the star items is an album of views of Coventry painted in 1819 by William Brooke, which show many streets and buildings which have now vanished. Please visit The Watercolour World to view more items from this collection. ‹› ArchaeologyArchaeology OverviewTudor and StuartMedievalAnglo SaxonsRomansPrehistoryArchivesCharter of Incorporation (Coventry Charter)Letter from Queen Anne (Anne Boleyn)Queen Elizabeth I letterNatural HistoryNatural History OverviewCustoms & ExciseRocks & MineralsBirds & MammalsShellsButterflies & MothsSocial and Industrial HistorySocial and Industrial History overviewGeorge Eliot collectionToys and GamesSilk Ribbon WeavingWatchesStevengraphsCostume and textilesVisual ArtsVisual Arts OverviewBritish Life and LandscapeCathedral tapestry studies by Graham SutherlandGodivaPeace and ReconciliationWatercoloursOld Grammar SchoolBorrowing & Lending ItemsDonate an objectDepositing ArchaeologyOnline Catalogue