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Photography & Filming

For Visitors

We invite visitors to take pictures during their visit, however, we do ask that you do not use flash, and take notice of any no photography signs (these will be placed next to certain artworks and within certain temporary exhibitions).

If you would like to share your snaps with us simply tag your Herbert moment with #HerbertArtGallery on Instagram.

You may notice during your visit that there are signs instructing visitors of promotional photography and filming that sometimes takes place during events. If you would prefer not to feature simply inform a member of staff. For U18s we will always ask the direct permission of an accompanying adult.

We are a safeguarding aware organisation and take our responsibility to protect children and vulnerable people seriously. We may sometimes ask that visitors refrain from filming or photographing other visitors. If you have any questions please ask a member of our Front of House staff.

For Film Crews and Professional Photographers

The Herbert is a brilliant location for all types of filming and photography. From our imposing Covered Court to atmospheric undercroft and galleries there is a great opportunity to find the perfect backdrop. Due to the public, and the busy nature of the site we do ask that you contact us before arriving.

The Museum houses approximately 320,000 objects covering natural history, social and industrial history and visual arts many of which are available for filming and photography by special arrangement.

To enquire about all filming and photography opportunities simply contact the marketing team on