Awaken the Arts
Group bookings available on request - please email for details
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1 December 2024 11.00am – 30 June 2025 11.45am
Join us for an informal discussion and exploration of our visual arts collection
These sessions are designed for those in need of additional support, due to health, wellbeing support, memory or concentration loss.

Book in advance | Pay what you wish on the day
Designed for age 50+, but all are welcome. Please email to book a session.
Join us for an informal discussion and exploration of our visual arts collection. These sessions are designed for those in need of additional support, due to health, wellbeing support, memory or concentration loss. Led by our arts education specialist, Brian Scholes, they offer a relaxed environment, with seating available and talks adapted to suit the needs of those in the group.
We will offer a safe space for you to enjoy relaxed time together to study our visual arts collections, with the support and encouragement of our team. We do not expect all participants to actively join in with conversation, but they are welcome to if they feel comfortable doing so. We welcome questions, knowledge-sharing and your suggestions for future Awaken the Arts sessions, so if you have a particular artwork you would like us to focus on, please ask and we will include this in future sessions.
Friends, partners and care givers are welcome to join in, to share the experience with their loved ones. Awaken the Arts needs to be booked in advance for groups, which can be booked to suit the date/time of your regular group meet ups.
For further information, please contact Lisa Ford, Learning and Engagement Manager by emailing