Culture Coventry to join forces with Coventry Sports Foundation to form CV Life
07 May 2021
Two Coventry charities are working together to improve the sport and culture offer across the city.

Culture Coventry - the Trust that manages Coventry Archives, Coventry Transport Museum, Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, Lunt Roman Fort and The Old Grammar School - will begin operating as CV Life with Coventry Sports Foundation, to bring significant additional and lasting improvements to the lives of Coventry residents.
Coventry Sports Foundation - which manages The Wave, Xcel Leisure Centre, Centre AT7, The Alan Higgs Centre and Moat House Leisure & Neighbourhood Centre - has been operating under the name CV Life since 2018. However, this change will see CV Life set up as a charitable trust in its own right, uniting the work of the two charities to make a difference for individuals, neighbourhoods, and communities throughout Coventry.
CV Life is the next step in a journey dating back to 2017 when Paul Breed, CEO of Coventry Sports Foundation was appointed as the interim CEO of Culture Coventry, successfully supporting the organisation to become more sustainable and resilient.
Both Culture Coventry and Coventry Sports Foundation will remain independent charitable trusts with their own boards and business plans. Both CCT and CSF will be represented on the CV Life Board.
Paul Breed, who will also be CEO of CV Life, said: “Drawing these two organisations into the same working space through the formation of CV Life is an incredible moment for Coventry, not only because of the positive impact this will have on the existing services we deliver, but because it will enable us to connect better with Coventry residents to shape our offer and better meet their needs.
“CV Life will also enable us to further develop the links between many of the city’s largest attractions, such as The Wave, Coventry Transport Museum and Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, encouraging visitors to the city to stay longer and explore more.”
During the pandemic, the two organisations worked together to support Coventry City Council’s shielding initiative, coordinating and delivering medicine and food supplies, providing much needed contact to those isolating alone and most recently, by transforming their venues into COVID-19 test centres.
Paul added: “The work that has taken place during the pandemic has demonstrated what is possible when organisations work together and validated the reasoning behind the formation of CV Life ahead of UK City of Culture, enabling us to have a greater impact and build a stronger legacy beyond May 2022.”
Dave Moorcroft, Chair of Coventry Sports Foundation, said: “The Boards of both organisations have worked alongside the Senior Leadership Teams to shape CV Life with a focus on improving the confidence, health, happiness and wellbeing of Coventry's residents through our services. We are incredibly excited to take the next steps on this journey.”
Manny Coulon, Chair of Culture Coventry, added: “The possibilities that CV Life presents for both the residents of Coventry and visitors to the city are really exciting and we cannot wait to get started.”
Members and visitors will still be able to access the leisure centres and attractions as they did previously and prices will not change.
Martin Reeves, from Coventry City Council, said: “Culture Coventry Trust and Coventry Sports Foundation have already been experimenting with closer working for some time, so that the formal launch of CV Life will enable the development and delivery of new and exciting opportunities in the offer they can make both to residents and visitors to the city.
“This includes making the offer stronger and more sustainable which is particularly important as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has been enormously challenging for both the culture and sport sectors.
“Conversely, the pandemic has shown that culture and sport has never been so important in contributing to the ongoing health and wellbeing of many people and this move will ensure that the offer throughout the city is as strong as it can be.”
There will no job losses, changes to employment or venue closures anticipated because of this change.